Aquarius: A Month of Change and Surprise

Aquarius: A Month of Change and Surprise,

This month promises to be as unpredictable as it is fascinating, following the rhythm of the Sun transiting through Aquarius. This sign, governed by Saturn and Uranus, never ceases to amaze us. Its essence, marked by the unexpected nature of Uranus, ensures that this period will be no exception.

Aquarius’s Promise This Month

Mercury, Mars, and Venus in the Innovative Sign of Aquarius

We begin with Mercury, Venus, and Mars still strolling through Capricorn, suggesting we remain entangled in procedures and dealings with institutions, unraveling threads of old stories.

However, take note: on February 5th, Mercury enters Aquarius, aligning with Pluto at 0° 30′, soon followed by Mars on the 12th, and Venus on the 16th. These dates mark a crucial shift, a leap into a new way of living, perceiving life, and tuning into the future we are weaving at this very moment.

Though Capricorn’s legacy still pulls us backward, whispering with its conservative voice that “in the end, nothing changes,” and that all are “mere fleeting fads,” is that the case?

This reminds me of that melody from the musical “HAIR” performed by The Fifth Dimension, remember? “Aquarius.” For those of us who lived through the 70s, that lyric resonated with promises:

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind’s true liberation
Aquarius! Aquarius!

The Age of Aquarius: A Dawn of Possibilities and Change

From Idealism to Reality: The Cosmic Transformation and the New Era of Global Collaboration

It might sound like overflowing idealism, but the 70s, with their music, transformed the world and our way of seeing many things. Now, we are facing the true, irreversible dawn of the Age of Aquarius, unfolding before us unprecedented possibilities.

If we remain open-minded, we can glimpse how to heal our divisions, overcome dualism, and embrace the possibility of a better world, one where global collaboration is key.

Of course, the Old Order, clinging to power, will insist on dominating the board, but there are forces beyond what we humans try to impose. And this new beginning, announced by the entrance of Pluto into Aquarius and reinforced by Mercury, Venus, and Mars this February, is inevitable, impossible to ignore.

February Moons: From Chinese New Year to the Dance of Venus and Mars

Astrological Impact: From the Yang Energy of the New Moon to the Conjunction of Venus and Mars in Aquarius

Let’s discuss the New Moon on February 9th, which ushers in the Chinese New Year of the Dragon, imbued with an earthy Yang energy. And about the Full Moon on the 24th, in the Pisces-Virgo angle, I’ll delve deeper later.

This Full Moon occurs just two days after the Venus-Mars conjunction in Aquarius, those two celestial bodies that since March 2022, when they met in Aquarius, seem to play a game of hide and seek without really finding each other.

These eternal lovers, inseparable, in the sign of the Water Bearer, engage in a union that is less emotional and more erotic, but from a more mental perspective, characteristic of air signs. This suggests relationships that are freer, less conventional, and more eccentric, where space mutual respect’s intelligence are essential.

To immerse ourselves in these new ways of relating, we must leave behind traditional expectations of what a romantic relationship “should be.” Today’s proposal is different, and the concept of family is in constant evolution.

The Aquarian way of love involves a lot of space between the parties and a deep respect for each individual’s uniqueness. Are we ready to shed old patterns and expectations of what is considered a “normal relationship”?

The model of our parents and grandparents is nearly obsolete, and new paradigms open paths that, whether we like it or not, we must explore if we want to love and feel loved.

The Venus-Mars conjunction in Aquarius will remain active throughout the second half of February, concluding with the Mercury-Saturn conjunction in Pisces, forming a sextile with Jupiter in Taurus. This will inspire us to collaborate in a real and substantial way. Pay attention to the events in your life during this month.

With information from Archetypal Astrology – Cristina Laird

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