Why have breakfast?

Why have breakfast?, InfoMistico.com

When the alarm goes off, our brain begins to worry about the lack of fuel. Call the nearest neuron and request information about blood glucose levels. The answer comes soon: there’s enough sugar to keep you active for 15 to 20 minutes.

Importance of breakfast: Why does the brain need morning fuel? — Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz

Faced with uncertainty, the brain asks the liver for help which checks its reserves and confirms that it only has glucose for another 20 to 25 minutes. In total, our body has 290 grams of glucose which means that it will only last 45 minutes. For this reason, it is essential to have breakfast.

Dr. Daniela Jakubowicz explains it clearly: the brain needs a constant supply of glucose to function properly. If we skip breakfast, our brains will go on high alert and enter a state of emergency.

Although it may be difficult for some people, eating breakfast is essential for maintaining good mental and physical health. Don’t let your brain run out of fuel!

Cortisone: how it affects your body and why it’s important for metabolism

Cortisone has the ability to extract proteins from muscle cells, ligaments and collagen in the skin, allowing them to be converted into blood glucose in the liver.

This shows that even when we think we’re not eating breakfast, our bodies are still in constant need of fuel and nourishment.

However, this process can also have negative consequences, as the body can begin to consume its own muscles which can result in a loss of muscle tone.

In addition, the brain can be affected, as it is forced to focus on activating the emergency system for energy instead of performing its intellectual functions.

Cortisone can be beneficial to the human body but it can also have harmful side effects if overused or if the body is in a state of prolonged food deprivation.

Fasting in the morning: How does it affect your weight and metabolism? Discover the effects of not eating breakfast on your body

The impact of fasting on our weight is significant. By starting the day without eating food, an energy-saving strategy is activated, resulting in a decrease in metabolism. The brain, unaware of the duration of fasting, takes drastic restrictive measures to conserve energy.

When you finally decide to eat, excess food is considered as reserves and is stored as fat, leading to weight gain.

It is important to note that during morning fasting, muscles are the first to be used as a fuel source due to the predominance of the hormone cortisol in the morning hours. This hormone stimulates the breakdown of muscle proteins and their conversion into glucose.

Therefore, it is essential to be aware of how prolonged fasting can adversely affect metabolism and body weight, as it can cause a loss of muscle mass and an increase in the accumulation of fat in the body.

Health benefits of breakfast: how to start the day with energy and improve your well-being

It’s important to keep in mind that we should never leave home without having breakfast. By doing so, our body will thank us and compensate us with better health which will allow us to live longer and be in better conditions to live with our loved ones.

By eating a complete and balanced breakfast, we provide our body with the energy needed to start the day. This results in a more agile mind, more spontaneous thoughts, a more relaxed body and greater ease of movement which in turn reduces stress.

In short, eating an early breakfast is critical to our overall health and well-being. Don’t underestimate it and make sure to make it a priority in your daily routine.