Waning the moon to purify oneself

Waning the moon to purify oneself, InfoMistico.com

Next Friday, August 19, we will have a waning quarter Moon in Taurus; this phase of the Moon will take us a week later to the New Moon that will occur in the sign of Virgo.

Waning moon to purify oneself and set goals

This journey of the Moon, from an earth sign (Taurus) to another of the same element (Virgo), is very beneficial for setting concrete, solid and conscious goals. The earth element tends to play it safe and aims with firmness and constancy.

However, the earth element can cause some delay in making decisions, if we plan from August 15, we should be able to overcome any obstacles.

Moon in Aries

This is because the Moon will be in the sign Aries, which with its fire energy will give us the first impulse to create the first motivation, the ability to assume and the necessary courage.

Around the evening of Tuesday the 16th, the Moon will pass through Taurus, so for the first two days of the week, we will have a boost from the Moon in Aries to take the first step towards our goals.

Once the Moon enters Taurus, our willpower will be strengthened and we will have enough emotional stability to move steadily towards the goals we have set for ourselves.

Moon in Taurus

The Moon in Taurus is exalted, so its emotional forces become very strong and inflexible, so all our decisions under this Moon will be safe and stable.

Once in Taurus, the Moon will enter the waning phase on Friday, August 19; a propitious time to begin a transition, which makes us let go of everything that has completed its cycle or is harmful to us and begin to make the changes we desire.

This transition leads to the next New Moon, which will occur on August 27 in Virgo, so the nature of this sign will lead the way to better set the type of goal that we will draw during this cycle.

We can develop this will, which we can create with the waning Moon in Taurus to gradually move towards the transition, will be successful if the goals we set are aligned with the qualities related to purification and that implies throwing away many things, filtering ourselves internally, to resize our lifestyles.

Moon in Virgo

In this transit to the New Moon in Virgo, we will detail all that is toxic in our lives, from the physical, mental and spiritual point of view, to enhance our willpower, which will ultimately lead us forward in the act of purification and rectification in our life.

In astrology textbooks, it indicates that the sign of Virgo rules or relates to the small intestine.

The reason for this recovery is that the small intestine processes food and separates nutrients from toxins, causing the incorporation of nutrients into our body and the elimination of toxins.

We must do the same with our life and this is an opportune time to do so, in certain essential areas of our life.

This article has been adapted by InfoMistico.com / Source: termometrozodiacal.blogspot.com


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