Christmas Kindness Stories

Christmas Kindness Stories,

Get ready for a Christmas story that will touch your heart. Read how the innocence and kindness of a child transformed the life of a lonely and greedy man into an unforgettable Christmas. This story will remind you of the importance of generosity and charity during the holidays. You’ll love it…

Christmas Kindness Stories: Reflections and Emotions

To support his family, 7-year-old Peter worked in Mr. John’s jewelry store while other children helped at home with the Christmas Eve preparations.

Mr. John was a wealthy jeweler with no family. He only cared about his money and saw Peter as just another ordinary employee, not as a child.

Peter wanted to leave work early on Christmas Day to help his mother and buy some items for dinner. While watching some children play outside the window, Peter heard a shout that made him tremble:

“—Peter!—” shouted Mr. John.

—Yes, sir—, he replied.

“—Why are you looking out the window, I ask? Your work is not finished yet.”

Peter answered: —”Today is Christmas! It’s a very special day because today is the birthday of Baby Jesus.”

“—The truth is I don’t care. You expect that today you can avoid your responsibilities earlier, work more—,” he replied.

—But Mr. John, today I need to buy some things for Christmas dinner—, the young boy pleaded.

“—For the Christmas dinner—,” the jeweler scoffed. “—You just want to leave early. The day is routine; if you want to keep your job, you must keep working.”

—Indeed, Mr. John— Peter replied sadly.

With tears in his eyes, the boy continued his task

His fear was that Mr. John would prevent him from spending Christmas with his family due to his deep sadness and distress.

Amid this horrible thought, he prayed to the Virgin, pleading for her intercession to enjoy a joyful Christmas with his family. Peter’s heart almost leapt out of his chest when Mr. John suddenly screamed loudly. The terrified jeweler shouted:

“—Peter, Peter, come here immediately!”

—Mr. John, what’s wrong?— he asked.

Fearful, Mr. John hugged Peter and said: “I definitely saw a ghost!”

Peter thoroughly searched Mr. John’s room but found nothing. —Stay calm —he said. —I don’t see anything.

“—Are you trying to make me look like a liar?” asked the old man. —I’m sorry, Mr. John; that was not my intention.

“—It was a nightmare, but keep working, I tell you!”

What Mr. John claimed to have seen continued to terrify him

He thought of asking Peter to stay with him until late at night because he didn’t want to be alone for a moment. Just in case, he reasoned. Calling the young boy, Mr. John said: “—Peter, please stay late today.”

—But sir, my family is expecting me today because it’s Christmas.

“—Peter, I’ll double your pay!”

—But Mr. John, I have to go because I’m almost finished with my work.

Mr. John hesitated to make a confession

Although the boy was aware of his fear, he hesitated to stay because it was Christmas. Then he had the brilliant idea to “invite Mr. John to his house to spend Christmas.”

—I invite you to spend Christmas with us so you won’t be alone—, said Peter.

Mr. John was delighted with Peter’s invitation because no one had ever invited him to their home. Without much thought, he accepted.

As soon as they arrived at Peter’s house, there was much joy and generosity in that modest home, which greatly impressed Mr. John. Mr. John smiled as he never had before, realizing he had never celebrated Christmas and now he was doing it with a simple and generous family.

The emotion and happiness he experienced made his cheeks blush and many tears fall down his cheeks.

At the end of the evening, Mr. John promised to treat the boy with greater justice and consideration and to donate his wealth to the needy.

This Christmas story teaches us that generosity and kindness can transform lives. The experience of Mr. John and Peter shows that the true essence of Christmas lies in sharing and giving. Don’t forget to practice charity and be generous with those around you. Merry Christmas!