
Spirituality, ethereal and profound, serves as the soul’s compass, guiding us through life’s labyrinth. It’s the universe’s whisper, beckoning us to transcend the ephemeral and connect with the immutable essence nestled within our innermost being.

The Abandoned Child Syndrome: A Silent Wound

Síndrome del Niño Abandonado / Abandoned Child Syndrome

While not officially recognized in many medical manuals, abandoned child syndrome is a tangible and painful reality many individuals grapple with. It transcends mere physical absence. It’s a profound lack of emotional and affectionate response that leaves lasting imprints on an individual’s psychological development, influencing their ability to connect with and trust others in their adult life.


Wu Wei: The Ancient Taoist Art of Flowing with Life

Método Wu Wei para cambiar nuestro estado mental / Wu Wei Method to Change Our Mental State

The modern world pushes us to move quickly, to seek immediate results. But what if the key to dealing with this mental exhaustion lies in an ancient philosophy? Wu Wei, a central tenet of Taoism, proposes a different perspective: to act effortlessly, finding harmony and peace in the natural process of life.


Navigating the Depths of Anguish

angustia / anguish

Anguish, that grim visitor that envelops us without warning, is a constant in the human journey. Often, it feels like a prison that traps us and prevents us from moving forward. However, this emotion, when understood and confronted, can become a powerful tool for self-discovery and growth.


Lao Tzu and the Antidote to Toxicity

Enseñanzas taoístas para frenar a las personas tóxicas / Taoist Teachings to Stop Toxic People

Life constantly challenges us with toxic people. Their negativity can overwhelm us and make us feel like we have no choice but to defend ourselves. This is where Taoism, with the teachings of Lao Tzu, provides us with a beacon of hope and a guide to navigate serenely in a sea of toxicity.


Neutralizing Envy to Foster Peace

envy / envidia

Envy is a subtle poison that can wreak havoc on our lives. It is vital to learn to identify the envious and to protect ourselves from their negative influence. In the following lines, we will take a closer look at the nature of envy, how it is manifested, and the best defense tactics.

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