New Year Decrees

New Year Decrees,

The power of the word is undeniable and the best way to ensure that our plans are carried out is to state them clearly and loudly. Words are the best way to communicate what we want to achieve and what we no longer wish to have in our lives…

New Year’s Decrees — Start a Better Year in 2024

Even though it is nothing more than the engine that drives our inner strength.

This exercise is enjoyable, exhilarating, powerful and perfectly timed as the year draws to a close. These are just a few of the things I think we should rule ourselves on, but, as always, you should add your own as well.

Things we should look out for

  • I am going to become the person I have always wanted to be.
  • I will lower my expectations and give more.
  • I will work, but I will also reflect on my life.
  • I will start taking small steps toward the realization of my dreams.
  • I will stop investing in things I don’t need.
  • I will try to talk only about positive things.
  • I will give my full attention to anyone who asks for it.
  • I will make an effort to move away from technological distractions and focus more on connecting with my inner self.
  • I will stop complaining and start appreciating everything around me.
  • I will be kinder and less judgmental.
  • I will prefer love to hate.
  • I will overcome my fears and accomplish everything I have always wanted to do.
  • I will stop trying to please others and focus only on listening to my inner voice.
  • I will stop trying to be perfect and start accepting myself as I am.