Mystical Tourism in Iceland: Elven Studies and Mythological Beings

Mystical Tourism in Iceland: Elven Studies and Mythological Beings,

Have you ever wondered what it feels like to immerse yourself in the mystical world of elves and other magical beings? In Iceland, you can make this a reality by visiting Álfaskólinn, the school of elven studies in Reykjavik. This unique institution allows you to get up close and personal with the fascinating culture of Nordic mythological beings.

Mystical Tourism in Iceland: Earn Your Elven Studies Degree in Iceland

When you visit Iceland, you can earn your elven studies degree in just five hours. The institution is called Álfaskólinn and is located in Reykjavik. The school is run by Magnús Skarphéðinsson.

Magnús, the brother of the current Minister of Foreign Affairs, Össur Skarphéðinsson, describes himself as a neutral scientist who has collected testimonies from people who have had encounters with “álfar.”

This category includes elves, but also other invisible beings, light fairies, dwarves, mountain spirits and gnomes.

Getting to Know Elven Beings: Descriptions and Appearances

As study material, in addition to imparting knowledge through oral tradition, the school distributes a brochure with reconstructions of these beings’ appearances based on descriptions from those who claim to have seen them, despite their invisible nature.

“People came to me with their stories, swearing they were neither under the influence of alcohol nor drugs and that they were not pathological liars,” said the director of the Elf School to the Icelandic newspaper The Reykjavik Grapevine, in an article republished by the magazine Courrier International.

In total, Magnús has interviewed over 700 people who have seen elves and other representatives of “hidden” or “invisible” peoples and nature spirits. The school has cataloged thirteen different types of elves, two of dwarves and three of hidden peoples. Some of them look exactly like humans but wear clothing from other times.

Elves: Mythological Beings of Nordic and Germanic Culture

Elves are creatures from Nordic and Germanic mythology, humanoid or minor gods, usually depicted as young and beautiful, living in forests, caves and springs.

They are immortal and possess supernatural powers. J.R.R. Tolkien included them in his trilogy The Lord of the Rings as beings pre-existing humans, excellent musicians and craftsmen, agile and delicate in their movements, fragile in appearance but resilient.

“There is still much we do not know about elves,” admits the school’s director modestly. “And what we know comes from people who have maintained friendships with them for over 20 years and have been invited by them.”

This is quite an honor, considering that these beings’ main behavioral characteristic is their tendency to avoid humans. This poses a challenge for those who want to learn about them.

Among its courses, the school offers a detailed analysis of the popular magical beings that apparently inhabit Iceland, while also studying other creatures of the supernatural fauna.

Álfaskólinn’s Curriculum: Exploration and Learning About Hidden Beings

The school offers certification programs for visitors that can be obtained in just half a day. However, it also publishes texts about hidden beings, partly for classroom use.

There are also ongoing investigations into the elves and the hidden beings of Iceland. They collect stories of goblins, fairies, dwarves and gnomes, but according to Magnús, almost 70 percent of the stories are about hidden beings, as they are more frequently seen in this area.

These stories have been collected for preservation and Magnús organizes five-hour educational tours for visitors, ending the tour with coffee and pancakes at the school.

Despite not advertising his school, Magnús typically receives 5 to 10 people per tour. Since its opening in 1991, over 12,000 people, most of them foreigners, have attended the school.

Special Services of Álfaskólinn: Connecting with the Mystical

Álfaskólinn offers “aura readings” and “past life explorations.” In Iceland, belief in elves is not a minor thing; in fact, according to a survey, the majority of Icelandic citizens believe in their existence to the point that some roads are only built after a team of experts determines that they will not harm the local elves.

The School of Elven Studies in Reykjavik

Álfaskólinn in Reykjavik is a unique institution dedicated to the education and research of elven beings and other magical creatures. Founded in 1991 by Magnús Skarphéðinsson, this school has attracted thousands of visitors interested in Icelandic folklore and legends about hidden beings.

The Cultural Importance of Elves in Iceland

In Iceland, belief in elves is an integral part of culture and folklore. Many Icelanders firmly believe in the existence of these beings and this is reflected in everyday aspects like urban planning and road construction.

For example, some roads are diverted to avoid disturbing the habitats of elves, demonstrating the respect and consideration Icelanders have for these beings.

A Gathering Place for the Mystically Interested

Álfaskólinn has become a gathering place for people from all over the world interested in mystical tourism and the study of elves and other magical creatures.

The school offers a unique educational experience that combines oral tradition, academic research and practical exploration, making each visit a deep immersion into the world of the mystical and the invisible.

Álfaskólinn is not just a school; it is a gateway to the magical world of elves and other mythological beings of Iceland. With educational tours and certification programs, each visitor leaves with a deeper understanding of Icelandic culture and folklore. If you’re looking for an authentic and enriching experience, the school of elven studies in Reykjavik is the ideal destination.