Home remedies for damaged hands

Home remedies for damaged hands, InfoMistico.com

This home treatment is for hands damaged by dermatitis caused by cement, chemicals, abrasive soaps, sun and other sources that can damage hands-on contact.

Home treatment for damaged hands with contact dermatitis

  1. Pour a handful of dandelion into a liter of boiling water.
  2. Cover, allow cooling and filter.
  3. Soak a cotton cloth with this infusion and place it on the affected areas for a few minutes.

This will soothe you at first, but you also need to stay hydrated to regenerate your natural collagen. After the dandelion infusion, moisturize your hands with a moisturizing pack:

  • Requires a mixing bowl, saucepan and bandages.
  • You should plan an hour and a half for the preparation and execution of the lap.
  • Will need help from another person to wrap your hands with the bandages.

Ingredients for the bandage wrap

  • 1 cup of dry ingredients (flour, granulated sugar, or cornstarch).
  • Clay: 2 cups. Choose the right clay for your skin type.
  • Salt: 1/4 cup. Grain sea salt is recommended because it is rich in minerals.
  • Herbs: 1/4 cup. Choose your favorite combination of herbs.
  • Once the herbs are selected, grind them in a food processor.


If you choose 1 cup apple cider vinegar, use 1/4 cup distilled water. Other nutrients you can use are floral water, fruit juices, lemon juice, cucumber puree, oatmeal, aloe vera and argan oil.

Essential oil: 1%. Oils of basil, cedarwood, cypress, lavender, lemon, patchouli and rosemary are used to fight cellulite and detoxify the body.

Hand wraps how to do it

  1. Take a hot shower beforehand to open the pores.
  2. Drinking plenty of water before and after will help you flush out toxins and decrease fat.
  3. Choose a warm room or turn on the heater so the mixture doesn’t lose too much heat.
  4. Brush the skin with an exfoliating sponge to remove dirt (don’t scrub too hard).
  5. Boil 1/4 liter of distilled water, add the ingredients and let stand for 15 minutes.
  6. Wait until the mixture is comfortable to the touch.