Health issues Wi-Fi

Health issues Wi-Fi,

In the past, it was said that microwaves could damage your health. There was a time when we feared heating food in that new appliance for fear of dying of some strange disease. Now, it’s a different kind of wave that has us upside down.

Is wifi bad for your health?

The idea that mobile telephony or Wi-Fi can damage health is widespread, to the point that there are petitions to eliminate wireless networks from schools and avoid exposure to the youngest children and others accuse the antennas of being sick or suffering from cancer.

In some cases, they have even managed to remove them. Is there any reason to fear Wi-Fi?

For a team of PhDs in Physics from the Faculty of Medicine and the School of Computer Engineering of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), antenna phobia makes no sense.

They are convinced

This new technology is harmless to health. For four years, researchers in Albacete measured the exposure of 75 people to these waves in 14 frequency bands, FM, TETRA, TV and the six bands of mobile telephony, Wi-Fi, wireless (DECT), etc…

Volunteers carried their exposure meters with a sensitivity of 0.000000066 W/m2, the most accurate on the market, throughout the day and went about their normal lives, noting where they went.


They also carried a GPS with them, which was then used to locate them on a map.

In total, 8,640 records were made per volunteer and 13 million data were obtained. The results found that on average per frequency band, the average radiation received is the equivalent of what we would receive from a 100 W spotlight at a distance of 1 km, i.e. negligible.

For example, the highest average radiation is that of an old acquaintance, FM, with which we have been living for a hundred years: 0.0001 W/m2, a thousand times below the legal limit.

Telephony bands

Those of the different telephone bands can range from 0.00004 W/m2 to 0.00001304 W/m2, even lower. The maximum values also did not exceed the legal limits at any time, in any band. 90% of the records were between 500 and 10, 000 times below the legal limit.

– “The radio frequency radiation can be compared to a snail on a highway; it will never set off any radar because its speed is one ten-thousandth of the maximum allowed,” says physicist Enrique Arribas Garde, director of the RF wave research group at UCLM.

As he explains, the study can be perfectly extrapolated to a big city like Madrid with the same results (since the density of antennas is related to the population density).

And he insists

No study correlates radiofrequency with cancer. I do not turn off the wifi at home, neither with children nor now with my granddaughter. With that, I say it all.

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