Christmas Cards History

Christmas Cards History,

Before leaving for winter break, students were asked to write something about the holidays and mail it to their parents so that they would receive a Christmas message. This practice has its roots in English schools.

Christmas Cards — History and Origin — Making Christmas Cards

The first printed Christmas cards were created in 1843 by W.E. Dobson and Sir Henry Cole to make art depicting the Birth of Jesus available to the English people.

Thomas Nast

Christmas Cards History,
In 1860, Thomas Nast, creator of the Santa Claus image, created the image of Santa Claus.

Although the first of these was printed in London in 1846, it organized the first mass sale of Christmas cards with the phrase “Merry Christmas” printed on them, which did not begin until the 1870s.

Some people might claim that people created these rituals and traditions for fun or by companies for profit.

Remember that each tradition has a rich meaning and strive to observe them by that meaning. In this way, you will ensure that December 24 will be more than just another holiday because you will have filled your heart with authentic love for both God and your neighbor.

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