Broom Superstitions

Broom Superstitions,

Since ancient times, brooms have been used in rituals and ceremonies in various cultures around the world. Its origin dates back to the need of primitive man to clean the space where invocations to his gods would be made.

The Magical Power of Brooms: Rituals and Superstitions Throughout History

Over time, they have been enriched with a wide range of magical powers. Ancient women rode on them to invoke the fertility of the fields. Nowadays, it is believed that placing them under the bed favors conception.

Another popular use is to place them behind the front door to protect yourself from unwanted visitors. In some cultures, sweeping the house on New Year’s Eve is also believed to bring good luck.

The superstitions surrounding brooms are many and varied. In some parts of the world, it is believed that it is bad luck to sweep the house after dark. Elsewhere, a broom that falls on the floor is said to indicate the arrival of visitors.

Leave the broom up or down? Find out if it affects your luck

What is true in the popular saying that an upside-down broom brings bad luck?

Leaving the broom with the bristles facing down attracts bad luck, so it is always recommended to place it upwards to avoid “sweeping” luck.

It is interesting to note how some popular traditions continue to be rooted in popular culture. Since time immemorial, brooms have been associated with cleanliness and order but also with magic and rituals.

The truth is that many people find it annoying when someone sweeps the luck out of their household. Whether by tradition, custom or simple fun, superstitions are part of the rich and varied popular culture.

The important thing is not whether or not we believe in the magical power of brooms but the importance we attach to cleanliness and order in our lives. After all, having a clean and tidy home is always synonymous with good luck and prosperity.

Broom superstitions in ancient times: myths and curious beliefs

Broom Superstitions,

During ancient times, the broom was viewed with a certain degree of mysticism. In Europe, where they were manufactured with a broom, magical and sexual properties were attributed to them, such as the ability to impregnate a maiden who played riding on her.

At that time, it was believed that colliding with a woman who was sweeping could make a man sterile. The only way to break this curse was to remove her broom and hit her with her handle seven times.

It was also considered bad luck to leave the broom lying on the floor or on a table, or for it to fall when it passed in front of us. Even recharging it in bed could endanger the sleeper who was left at the mercy of the witches.

If one suspected that a witch had entered the house, a recharged broom was left on the wall near the fireplace, so that the witch would take it and fly away with her. This belief is still practiced in some places as a measure of protection against witches.

Although these superstitions today seem like just curiosities from the past, in those times they were deeply held beliefs that gave rise to all kinds of rituals to protect themselves from possible dangers.

Popular beliefs about brooms: why shouldn’t you take an old broom to a new house?

Avoid taking your old broom to your new home: a popular belief that has persisted in several cultures around the world. Moving an old broom to a new house is believed to bring bad luck. Instead, it is advisable to leave it in the old residence.

In some cultures, it is believed that buying a broom at Christmas or in the month of May, considered a month of bad luck is inappropriate. Also, losing a broom at sea is associated with a sign of a bad omen.

For players, throwing a broom in the air when leaving home brings good luck. Similarly, if someone goes out to sell a four-legged animal, a broom should be thrown into the air to ensure a quick sale and avoid the evil eye on the animal.

As for cleaning the home, sweeping at night or from the inside out means getting rid of good luck. If someone accidentally passed a broom over their shoe, it is said that that person will not be able to marry a maiden.

Other superstitions include leaving a recharged broom in any corner which attracts a stranger to visit; and hitting a child with a green broom, which supposedly prevents his growth.

While some of these beliefs may seem outlandish, they are part of the folklore of many cultures and may be interesting to some. The important thing is to remember that, ultimately, luck is something that we create ourselves through our actions and attitudes in life.