Aaron: The Man, The Myth, The Priest

Aaron: The Man, The Myth, The Priest, InfoMistico.com

Idols and Regrets: The Golden Calf’s Tale

The Lord summoned Moses, saying:

“Go down now. Your people, whom you led out of Egypt, have sinned. They quickly strayed from the path I set and made this calf idol. They worship it, bring it offerings, and claim it as their savior from Egypt.”

He added, “Their stubbornness is clear. Let me act; my wrath will consume them. Yet, from you, a great nation will emerge.”

However, Moses pleaded with the Lord, arguing, “Why unleash your anger on those you determinedly freed? Don’t let the Egyptians say you rescued them with harmful intent. Calm your anger and rethink the punishment.”

Moses reminded the Lord of his promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and his oath to make their descendants prosper and grant them the promised land. The Lord then reconsidered his decision to punish the people.

Descending, Moses held the two tablets inscribed on both sides. These were divine creations with words etched by God’s hand. Hearing the camp’s noise, Joshua thought it was a battle, but Moses corrected him, saying it was festive singing.

Upon seeing the idol and the dancing, Moses became furious. He threw the tablets, breaking them. He took the golden calf, burned it to ash, and scattered the remnants in water, forcing the Israelites to drink.

The Golden Calf’s Transgression and Aaron’s Consecration

Moses asked Aaron, “Why did you lead these people into such a clear mistake?” Aaron responded, “Please, curb your anger. You know how this people are prone to error.

They said, ‘Make us a god to lead us, for we don’t know what happened to Moses, who led us out of Egypt’. So, I took their gold, threw it into the fire, and astonishingly, a golden calf emerged.”

Seeing the people’s unrestrained behavior, which exposed them to enemies’ ridicule due to Aaron’s leniency, Moses stood at the camp’s entrance and shouted, “All loyal to the Lord, come here!” All Levites gathered around him. Moses directed, “The Lord, God of Israel, orders: Take up arms, go through the camp, and even kill relatives and friends.”

The Levites obeyed, and about three thousand people died that day. Then, Moses declared, “Today, you’ve consecrated yourselves to the Lord, even if it meant acting against family. May He bless you.”

The next day, Moses told the people, “You’ve committed a serious mistake. I’ll go to the Lord to seek forgiveness.” Meeting the Lord again, Moses pleaded, “Sadly, the people sinned by making a golden idol. If you can forgive them… and if not, erase me from your holy book.” The Lord replied, “Only those who sinned will be removed from my book.”

“Continue leading the people to the promised destination. My angel will guide you. But when the time comes, they will face their sin’s consequences.” So, the Lord punished the people for their idolatry with Aaron’s calf.

Still, God kept Aaron in his designated role. When the time was right, Moses consecrated him according to tradition.

Regarding the High Priest’s garments, the Lord told Moses, “Choose your brother Aaron and his sons, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Itamar, to serve in my name. Assign the most skilled artisans, whom I’ve gifted with special skills, to craft Aaron’s holy garments, symbolizing his priestly dedication.

These garments are a breastplate, an ephod, a robe, an intricately designed tunic, a turban, and a sash. Made from materials like gold, shades of purple, and fine linen, these sacred garments will allow Aaron and his descendants to perform their priestly role with dignity….”