Fury and Sadness in an Enchanted Pond

Fury and Sadness in an Enchanted Pond, InfoMistico.com

Have you ever wondered how fury and sadness intertwine in the human heart? Discover in this fascinating fable by Jorge Bucay how two such different emotions can exchange roles in a magical enchanted pond.

Fables of Jorge Bucay: Fury and Sadness in an Enchanted Pond

Once upon a time, in this mystical setting, there was an extraordinary pond. It was no ordinary pond. It was filled with water so clear and pure that it seemed like a mirror of the sky.

Fish of every imaginable color swam in it, creating an unparalleled spectacle and the green surroundings reflected in its waters with an intensity that made one think of a thousand different shades.

To this pond, where time seemed to stand still and nature displayed its full splendor, two unusual figures approached: sadness and fury.

Both, like two old friends who have shared countless moments, decided to bathe in that enchanted pond. They shed their garments, revealing their true essence and entered the water, letting the freshness envelop them.

Fury, always impatient and with that characteristic haste, did not understand delays. Bathing quickly, it left the pond before one could notice. But, as is known, fury often does not see clearly and in its haste, it took the first garment it found.

Unknowingly, it dressed in the clothes of sadness and, with this new attire, continued on its way.

On the other hand, sadness, with its measured step and eternal serenity, enjoyed every moment in the pond. It immersed itself in its waters with a calm that seemed eternal, allowing each drop to caress it.

Once satisfied, it left the water slowly, feeling the passage of time like a whisper. Upon reaching the shore, it discovered that its clothes had disappeared. And if there is something that sadness abhors, it is feeling exposed and vulnerable. With no other options, it dressed in the only clothes left: fury’s garments.

Since that peculiar day, it is said that more than once we encounter fury. A fury that, blind and unleashed, seems to tear everything in its path.

However, if we stop and observe carefully, with the patience that only a wise soul possesses, we discover that behind that vehement mask of fury, lies the silent and profound sadness.

The moral of this enchanted tale reminds us that emotions, although different, can share the same origin. Fury and sadness, so present in our lives, invite us to reflect on our own nature. Jorge Bucay, with his mastery, leaves us an invaluable lesson: observe carefully and you will find the hidden truth behind every emotion.