Tisha B’Av: The Day When Satan Reigns

Tisha B’Av: The Day When Satan Reigns, InfoMistico.com

In Kabbalah, Tisha B’Av is identified as a unique spiritual challenge. According to Kabbalistic teachings, this day marks the sole occasion when a negative force known as Satan, or the human Ego, assumes dominion over the universe. Through fasting and meditation, adherents aim to mitigate this influence, turning negativity into light.

Tisha B’Av: The Day the Ego-Satan Dominates the Universe, According to Kabbalah

It’s important to note that this adversarial entity, symbolic of the human ego, is designed to challenge humanity on its journey from being ego-driven to becoming selfless individuals. This path’s goal is to eradicate the “bread of shame” and to rightfully earn our place in Paradise or the Kingdom of Heaven.

A Dominion Spanning the Universe

Tisha B’Av observed on the 10th of Av (from the evening of Monday, August 12, 2024, until the evening of Tuesday, August 13), marks the time when the figure of Satan gains complete control over the universe.

On this day, it is believed that this force seeks to infiltrate and dominate our body, heart, and mind. To counteract its energy, believers engage in a 25-hour fast, abstaining from all food and drink, deemed tainted by its negative energy.

Additionally, the reading or scanning of the Lamentations (Meguilat Eicha), an ancient biblical manuscript penned by the prophet Jeremiah, depicting the destruction of the Temple, is practiced.

A Reminder of Past Mistakes

It may seem odd to commemorate destruction on a day already marked by negativity, but the purpose of this reading serves as an antidote against the very ailment, baseless hatred, which initially led to the destruction.

By engaging with this manuscript in Hebrew and observing the fast, participants hope to distance themselves from the influence of the Ego-Satan, gaining the ability to combat this reactive consciousness throughout the year. If practiced correctly, the spiritual technology designated for this day offers the potential to completely eradicate Satan, or the human ego, from humanity.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Kabbalists posit that from this day of destruction and negativity, the greatest beam of Light-Good will emerge, ushering us into a global consciousness where humanity is freed from all reactive forms of awareness.

This elevated state of consciousness will enable us to achieve personal freedom and everlasting happiness. Once a critical mass of individuals attains this inner state of Messiah, this consciousness will govern all of humanity, and immortality and eternal fulfillment will become our new reality.

Transforming Negative Energy into Light

To transform this negative energy into light, the following practices are recommended:

  • Engage in a complete fast, abstaining from food and drink.
  • Sit on the ground.
  • Limit excessive communication, avoiding gossip, judgment, or criticism.
  • Refrain from bathing and using perfumes or oils.
  • Avoid wearing leather shoes.
  • Listen to or scan the Meguilat Eijá (Book of Lamentations).
  • Avoid studying the Torah or the Zohar.

This Tisha B’Av, create your luminous shield of protection against the most negative day (and month) of the year. Transform the day of satan/ego into the day of Mashíaj-Messiah-Christ.

Transform hatred into love, darkness into light, reactivity into proactivity, selfishness into altruism, anger into temperance, fear into strength, chaos into order, conflicts into peace, illness into health, and problems into opportunities for growth.

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