Ritual with lemon and cinnamon

Ritual with lemon and cinnamon, InfoMistico.com

An effective ritual for attracting daily income is a lemon with cinnamon. You are looking solution to help you the financial stability at your home? Lemon slice with cinnamon powder is an effective option to accomplish this.

Lemon and Cinnamon Ritual: Attract daily income and improve financial stability

This homemade spell is perfect to perform when the economic situation is not favorable and you are not sure how to cover the monthly expenses. It helps to ward off envy, negative energies that may be affecting your financial situation.

Ritual with Lemon and Cinnamon

For this ritual, you will need the following materials: cinnamon powder, a fresh green or yellow lemon, a clove, a blue ink pen and paper.

  • First, cut the lemon in half and place it on a plate.
  • Then, write on the paper the amount of money you wish to receive immediately.
  • Below that number, write the number 7 three times, associated with luck and spiritual connection.
  • Write the number 3 three times, which represents the trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).
  • Cut out the paper with your hands so that the writing covers as much surface area as possible.
  • Sprinkle the cinnamon powder over the two halves of the lemon and place the paper on top of one half.
  • Close the two halves with the second half of the fruit and bury the nail to secure both halves.

Put the plate in a place where you usually keep your money or, if you have a business, at the entrance. Make sure no one touches it but you. After 24 hours, remove the plate and bury the lemon in a pot in your home so that the earth transmutes the energy.

Things to keep in mind when you are doing magical rituals

  • Make sure you are mentally, emotionally and spiritually prepared. This means focused, centered and connected to your intention.
  • Confirm that you have all the necessary materials before beginning the ritual. Anything you need for the ritual from candles to herbs, essential oils and ritual supplies.
  • If you are going to work with other people it is important that everyone is in tune with the same intention and energy. They should be in agreement with the goal of the ritual and that everyone is working towards the same goal.
  • Finally, remember that magical rituals are helpful tools to unblock energies and help manifest your intention. It is essential to keep in mind that the energy you invoke can be good or bad depending on your intention. You can invoke positive energies for the good of all or negative energies for evil.