Religions, Beliefs and Practices

Religions, beliefs and practices reflect humanity’s quest for meaning and connection with the transcendental. This space explores spiritual diversity, analyzing various forms of faith and rituals that enrich the human experience and foster intercultural understanding.

Month of Tishrei


Tishrei is the dearest of months, as it is the seventh month since Nissan, the month of redemption and Jewish independence. Tishrei is characterized as the most satiated of months because it is filled with more mitzvot and festivals than any other month of the year. The word seven is associated with the feeling of being satisfied.

Jewish Religious Articles

Month of Elul

Mes de Elul / Month of Elul

Elul is the sixth of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar. It is called the month of repentance, the month of mercy and the month of forgiveness. Elul follows the months of Tammuz and Av, the months in which Israel’s two great sins were committed, that of the golden calf and that of the spies.

Jewish Religious Articles

St. Ignatius of Loyola

St. Ignatius of Loyola / San Igacio de Loyola

On the occasion of the liturgical feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola, which the Catholic Church celebrates on July 31, here are some facts about the life and work of the founder of the Society of Jesus, called Jesuits and the creator of the Spiritual Exercises.

Catholic News