Highly Sensitive People

Highly Sensitive People, InfoMistico.com

Are you one of those who feel misunderstood and perceive details that others overlook? Do you find it difficult to deal with loud noises, smells and lights? Do you prefer solo activities such as reading or going for a run?

Find out if you are a Highly Sensitive Person: characteristics and tips for better living

If you identify with these characteristics, you may be part of the 20% of the population that is considered a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).

It is not a pathology but a way of being different. Highly sensitive people react more intensely to environmental stimuli because of their hypersensitivity but this implies neither a gift nor a curse. They simply perceive the world in a different way.

Noise, strong smells, bright lights, clutter and other stimuli that most people don’t notice can be annoying for PAS.

Even the touch of certain garments or the texture of a surface can be uncomfortable and create a feeling of unbearably. In some cases, these intense sensations can lead to irritation, depression, or the need to escape from the place.

Being a Highly Sensitive Person is not a defect or a disease but simply a way of being different and perceiving the world more intensely. It is important to accept this characteristic and learn to manage it in a healthy way to enjoy a full and satisfying life.

Highly Sensitive People: Empathy and Loneliness

Highly sensitive people often feel misunderstood in a world that seems to value extroversion and emotional restraint. Their high sensitivity allows them to perceive details that others overlook, such as an uncomfortable smell or unattractive decoration, which can make them feel uncomfortable in social situations.

For these people, differences in sensitivity can make them feel alone and isolated, especially in circles where they are expected to behave in a certain way. Some may even feel that they are “weird” or that they don’t fit into society.

Despite this, they are known for their empathy. They are receptive to the feelings of others and maybe deeply affected by the problems of friends and even strangers. This sensitivity can cause them to worry and distress more than usual, even about problems that don’t directly concern them.

Sometimes, extreme empathy can make highly sensitive people feel the pain of others as if it were their own. This can lead to an intense emotional reaction to situations of injustice or suffering.

While being a highly sensitive person can be challenging, it can also be a strength. Their ability to sense and understand the feelings of others can make them excellent caregivers and compassionate friends.

At a Slower Pace: The Life of Highly Sensitive People

For some people, the world can seem like an overwhelmingly fast and noisy place. These people, known as “highly sensitive”, are often overwhelmed by the frantic pace of modern society and prefer to move at their own quieter pace.

For those who are highly sensitive, haste and impatience can cause a sense of lack of control or even vertigo. As a result, they tend to avoid situations of stress or pressure, rather than face them directly.

Although extreme sensitivity can be an advantage in some aspects of life, such as the ability to capture details that others overlook, it can also present challenges.

Making decisions can be difficult, as highly sensitive people tend to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Even in trivial situations, such as choosing a dish at a restaurant, they may require more time to make a decision than other people.

In a social group, the highly sensitive person may be the one who always takes longer to make a decision, asking for time to think and weigh all the options.

In general, these people prefer to live life at their own pace, surrounding themselves in a quieter and more relaxed environment that allows them to fully enjoy their sensitivity and their unique ability to perceive the world around them.

The relationship between high sensitivity and intuition: keys to understanding highly sensitive people

Intuition has been posited as an ability to unconsciously capture details, sort them out and draw probable conclusions.

This idea sheds light on the relationship between high sensitivity and intuition since highly sensitive people have a greater capacity to capture subtle details, which allows them to draw up a more complete picture of situations and make predictions with greater certainty.

These people enjoy solitude and prefer activities that allow them to experience the world from their own perspective. They tend to feel more comfortable in small groups and avoid crowds and chaos.

While some may be shy and hate the spotlight, 30% of highly sensitive people are extroverted. This behavior may be due, in part, to the education they received during childhood.

Highly Sensitive People: How Their Relationships and Emotions Are Affected by Their Sensitivity

Highly sensitive people may be more intensely affected by the criticism they receive. This sensitivity derives from their perfectionist tendency, which makes them take any criticism as a personal attack.

Their strong empathy leads them to be extremely polite and avoid any behavior that may be inappropriate.

They won’t be seen leaving the supermarket cart in the middle of the car park or trying to skip the line, as they respect social norms and try to please others. On the other hand, their high degree of sensitivity allows them to quickly detect any inappropriate behavior, although it is likely that they will not mention it.

When it comes to relationships, interacting with a highly sensitive person can be a very intense experience. For example, in a romantic relationship, they can appreciate the more subtle nuances of their partner and fill it with positive energy. However, their need for perfection and empathy can lead them to ask for more and more, which can make their partner unable to meet those demands.

In other cases, small everyday disappointments can turn into deeper frustrations and disappointments. In general, relating to a highly sensitive person can be an exciting experience but it can also require a great deal of patience and understanding.

What is the solution for highly sensitive people?

According to experts, the key lies in self-awareness and learning to take advantage of its positive characteristics.

Instead of focusing on the mistakes of others, they should focus on their strengths. In addition, it is crucial that they adjust their expectations and reduce their level of demand to avoid unnecessary conflicts in interpersonal relationships.

On the other hand, those who interact with highly sensitive people should try to understand their perspective and respect their way of seeing and facing life.

What may seem insignificant to some, can be overwhelming to others. In short, it is a process of empathy and mutual understanding in order to achieve a harmonious coexistence.