Full Moon in the Sign Aries

Full Moon in the Sign Aries, InfoMistico.com

The last Full Moon before the two eclipses that will occur during the next lunation in Scorpio is currently transiting. Like the calm before the storm, relationships seem to flow more amicably than ever during this especially kind Full Moon.

Full Moon in the Sign Aries — October 2022 — Archetypal Astrology

The Full Moon in Aries will be aligned with Chiron and the Sun in Libra forms a conjunction with Venus, the disposition of the Moon and the ruler of the sign.

During these times, the gods allow us to restore broken relationships and grant us a “seeming” serenity that allows us to think about who we enjoy spending time with and who we do not.


Unfortunately, as nothing stands still, the Moon will precisely oppose the Sun in Spain in a few hours, after which it will align with Eris and we may feel as if we are “out” of the party.

The Moon will transit the same degree as Eris in Aries tonight for Spanish twilight, which gives us back the impression that we do not belong in our social environment. At this time, it is crucial to feeling good about yourself.

If only my social connections determine my happiness, then this Sunday will be filled with much frustration. Being alone is as important to our growth and enjoyment as social connections.


Pallas is the focal asteroid of this T-square with the Full Moon because both the Moon and the Sun also form squares with it.

This Full Moon has formed exactly today and in the company of Chiron, the wise centaur who speaks to us about our most painful traumas and how to deal with them, so issues about our place in society on a professional level will also arise.

The need to find a suitable strategy to realize our professional dreams may also be a topic of conversation these days.

In addition to the various therapies that can help in the process of pain relief, the direct recognition that, being human, we exist and are exposed to situations in which we can be hurt, also helps to realign the perception of that hurt.

The main causes of this inflicted hurt are guilt, unforgiveness and judgment.

However, if we see ourselves from the soul, our perspective and point of view can be altered. We make mistakes, we behave in ways we regret and sometimes our pride, blindness and arrogance overtake us and turn us into pathetic creatures.

There is a sense of humanity in everything we do and the humility needed to accept this is great medicine, to ease the pain. However, all this happens because we are human and have been given a conscience. We are born with ancestral baggage that is difficult to understand in the first years of life.

Chiron, Pholus and Nessus

These lessons come from both Chiron and Pholus and Nessus, two centaurs who share with us this terrible duality of the Self.

Saturn and Uranus are at their closest point to square, which was exactly three times last year, with only a 40′ orb between them.

The spirit of rebellion against a rigid and outdated status quo, which we have witnessed in numerous nations around the world in huge rallies where mainly women take to the streets to demand their rights, is still present almost for the last time.

This is compounded by the fact that Mercury in Gemini, which will soon begin its retrograde journey and continue until January 12, 2023, will pass over the Nodes of Uranus, which are in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius.


Along with Pallas, Lilith also forms a square with the Sun and Moon and there are many ways to experience the overwhelming power of this archetype.

Lilith, who according to patriarchy is a demonic power, is nothing more than our inner raging anger and untamed libido.

Lilith’s wild sexuality is sacred, not sinful and belongs to non-morality. The wild woman, the one who works in harmony with Nature and defends the sacredness of Nature, is embodied in Lilith’s submission to sexual emancipation away from religious and cultural judgment.

The sexuality of this type is not pornographic

It has lost its sacred quality, becoming only a physical act devoid of any spiritual meaning. Our spirituality is elevated by Lilith’s sexuality, which also serves as a reminder of the sacredness of being one human in conjunction with another.

It conveys a connection and surrender that is completely at odds with the pornography it represents.

This type of energy, which is extremely difficult to control, can inspire us creatively or cause us to explode in a fit of anger when we experience injustice, insult, feel abandoned and so on.

In general, full moons prompt us to be impetuous and rude by awakening parts of our psyche that were previously dormant, but they can also fuel our urge to create, connect and enter into the self simultaneously.

Enjoy this Moon, no matter how you feel about it and never stop asking yourself why. Or better yet, why?

I wish you all a happy full moon with Venus, Lilith and Chiron! CONTEMPLATE is the important word for this Moon.

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With information from Archetypal Astrology – Cristina Laird


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