The Ostara / Eostre Festival

The Ostara / Eostre Festival,

The Ostara festival, also known as Eostre, commemorates one of the most significant moments of the Wheel of the Year: the spring equinox. In this astronomical and astrological event, the balance between day and night reaches its peak and both last exactly the same.

The Ostara festival: Balance, Fertility and Growth at the Spring Equinox

From this point, light gradually extends over darkness, culminating in the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. This annual seasonal cycle is of great importance to many cultures and communities around the world.

In the northern hemisphere, the months of March, April and May mark the arrival of spring. Meanwhile, in the south, this change of season occurs in September, October and November.

This time of year has a very special symbolic meaning, as it invites us to pay attention to the balance, harmony, fertility, color, creativity, light and warmth that inhabit us and then project them outward and manifest them in our environment.

From an astrological point of view, the Spring Equinox synchronizes with zero degrees of Aries.

Discover the Meaning of Ostara/Eostre and its Relationship with the Celebration of the Spring Equinox

According to Celtic culture, a community passionate about nature, the Spring Equinox is a celebration linked to Ostara/Eostre, a Celtic deity of fertility, as well as a Germanic deity associated with spring and represented by the hare, an animal known for its reproductive ability.

The symbols of the rabbit and chocolate eggs in the Easter holiday have their origin in the figure of Ostara/Eostre and its attributes.

During spring, plant sap rises from the ground and vegetation blooms and turns green. If fertility and soil growth are combined with the balance between light and darkness, spring presents an ideal time to focus on balance and personal growth.

As part of nature, we must renew ourselves and emerge from our winter lethargy, filling ourselves with colors and unleashing our creativity to the fullest during the three months of this season. It is a time in the annual cycle when we have the greatest potential to thrive.

The celebration of Ostara/Eostre is characterized by the prevalence of concepts such as balance, fertility and growth. That is why this time becomes a propitious opportunity to reflect on these three aspects of our life and person and to connect with the natural energy flow that surrounds us, present in everything and especially in nature.

Renew your Energy and Connect with Nature during Ostara/Eostre, the Festival of Trees

As a privileged season in the wheel of the year, Ostara/Eostre invites us to meditate next to a tree, feeling how life rises from the roots to the crown. Eostre/Ostara, deity of fertility, also stands as the goddess of dawn and the awakening of germinative forces after the darkness of winter.

Similarly, given our affinity with trees, the arrival of spring is a propitious occasion to feel how the life and energy of the earth flow through us, nourishing and strengthening us from head to toe.

This process of renewal and harmonization is essential for our existence on the earthly plane and must be nurtured and cared for with care. In this way, our connection with our divine essence, present in all things, can unfold with fluidity, solidity and security.

Ostara/Eostre is also known as the Festival of Trees, so it is opportune to take advantage of this time to deepen our knowledge of magical traditions, customs and knowledge related to the plant kingdom in general and trees in particular.