Importance of Alkaline Diet

Importance of Alkaline Diet,

Decoding Acidifying Foods

Unbeknownst to many, our typical daily diet is brimming with items that induce acidification within our bodies. These include refined sugar, which lacks vital nutrients like proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins, along with dairy derivatives, salt and refined flour.

Bakery goods, such as cookies and cakes, add to this imbalance due to their content of saturated fats, margarine, salt, sugar and preservatives. Other contributors include margarine, soft drinks, caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.

Surprisingly, even food considered healthy can promote acidification, as cooking processes often remove oxygen and transform these foods into acidifying agents. Further compounding this issue, any food containing preservatives, colorings, flavorings, stabilizers and other additives also contributes to this phenomenon.

Why does this matter?

Our bodies work tirelessly to sustain a balanced blood pH level, striving to fend off metabolic acidity. This balance is crucial for optimal cellular function and metabolic efficiency. However, certain foods contribute little to maintaining this balance, leading to body demineralization instead.

The Route to Alkalinity and Health

On the flip side, we have alkalizing foods, which play a pivotal role in preserving cellular health and, in turn, our overall well-being. Among these are raw vegetables, fruits, seeds (like almonds) and whole grains such as millet. It’s noteworthy that despite their slightly acidifying nature, the majority of whole grains are tremendously healthy.

Honey, chlorophyll from plants and especially water, also promote alkalinity. Water is essential, providing the oxygen our cells need. As noted by Dr. Feydoon Batmanghelidj, “Chronic dehydration is the principal stressor of the body and the underlying cause of most degenerative diseases.” Additionally, physical exercise facilitates oxygenation throughout our bodies.

Dr. George W. Crile, a preeminent surgeon, articulated, “All so-called natural deaths are merely the culmination of acid saturation in the body”. This can be prevented by eradicating acidity in our bodies, consuming foods that stimulate alkaline metabolic reactions and steering clear of acid-inducing foods.

Cancer isn’t contagious or inheritable.

What we inherit are the dietary, environmental and lifestyle practices that can lead to its development. In Mencken’s words, “The struggle of life is against acid retention”. A host of health problems including aging, lack of energy, irritability, headaches, heart disease, allergies, eczema, hives, asthma, kidney stones and arteriosclerosis are all symptoms of acid accumulation.

Dr. Theodore A. Baroody emphasizes in his book “Alkalize or Die” that regardless of the countless names for diseases, they all originate from the same root cause: an excess of acid waste in the body. Echoing this sentiment, Dr. Robert O Young posits that “All degenerative diseases are caused by excess acidification in the body. When the balance is disrupted and the body produces and stores more acidity and toxins than it can expel, various ailments ensue…

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