Golem Effect

Golem Effect, InfoMistico.com

The Golem effect is a self-fulfilling prophecy that has destructive power, as opposed to the Pygmalion effect, which has a positive effect. In Jewish mythology, Golem was a clay and clay figure created to serve and help his master, but he suspected that he would turn against him in the future and so it happened.

The Golem Effect: A Self-Fulfilling Destructive Prophecy as Opposed to the Pygmalion Effect

Golem became aggressive and destructive which created the need to put an end to him.

Unlike Galatea, which was created with care and care by Pygmalion, Golem was created in a rough way with no facial features that would give it a human touch. His appearance was monstrous and not much was ever expected of him since it only arose from the need for service.

This effect also applies to people. When someone believes in you, you flourish in the purest Galatea style. But if you perceive that the other person has your abilities and attitudes in low regard, the results you achieve may be up to 23 percent worse.

It is important to remember that our beliefs and expectations can influence the behavior and performance of others and therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the image we transmit to others and how our actions influence others.

In this way, we can avoid the Golem effect and promote the Pygmalion effect in our interpersonal relationships.

The Golem and Pygmalion Effect: How Expectations Affect Performance and Attitude in Work and Education

The Golem effect is a psychological phenomenon that occurs when a person is judged negatively by another and as a result, their performance and attitude decrease.

This often occurs in work and educational environments, where a supervisor or teacher may be unconsciously prejudiced toward a particular employee or student.

As the supervisor or teacher expects less from the individual, the individual becomes demotivated and their performance decreases. In turn, this reinforces the supervisor or teacher’s belief that the individual has no capacity or interest which creates a vicious cycle.

The Golem effect is similar to the Pygmalion effect which is the opposite phenomenon. The Pygmalion effect occurs when a person is judged positively by another, leading to an increase in their performance and attitude.

Both effects are based on the power of suggestion which is a technique used in hypnosis to transform habits and beliefs. The suggestion can be positive or negative depending on how it is used.

Being suggestible can be a positive attribute if used to reinforce empowering beliefs and to take seriously those who see the potential in you. However, it can be negative if you focus on the problems, the negativity and the low self-esteem that others have of you.

Adopting the Role of Pygmalion instead of Golem: Key to Success in astrological coaching and Consulting

When your job involves helping others to develop their potential, it’s important that you adopt the role of Pygmalion rather than that of Golem. In other words, your goal should be to see the best in the other person and to help them believe in themselves, instead of discouraging them and making them feel insecure.

If you are able to recognize someone’s inner greatness, you will be increasing their chances of success and make it easier for them to achieve their dreams.

However, if you don’t think you can work effectively with someone, it’s important to be honest and recommend another professional who might be a better fit for them. Working with someone you don’t trust can be harmful to both of you and diminish your chances of success.

If you want to learn how to integrate astrological symbolism into the empowering accompaniment of others, such as Pygmalion, I invite you to register for free in our October mini-course.

Finally, have you ever met someone you don’t believe in? If so, how did you handle that situation? Remember that it’s important, to be honest and find the best solution for everyone involved.