Atheism and Religion: Just a Geographic Accident?

Atheism and Religion: Just a Geographic Accident?,

Is your faith simply a product of where you were born? Richard Dawkins thinks so, sparking intense debates across the globe. Dive into his compelling argument that geography shapes religious belief and discover the responses from both atheists and believers. Uncover how your birthplace might have determined your faith and challenge your own perspectives on religion and atheism.

One Belongs to a Religion by a Geographic Accident

In a video presentation, a Christian student asked Dawkins what would happen if his atheism was wrong. Dawkins replied that we could all be wrong; we could be mistaken about the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the invisible pink unicorn and the flying teapot.

This response highlighted a central point of modern atheism: the possibility of error in any belief. Dawkins assumed that the student was raised in the Christian faith and understood what it meant not to believe in a particular faith since he was neither Muslim nor Hindu.

Why Aren’t You Hindu?

Dawkins’ response to the question of why the student wasn’t Hindu was revealing. If the student had been born in India, he would be Hindu; if he had been born in Denmark during the Viking era, he would believe in Wotan and Thor; if he had been born in classical Greece, he would believe in Zeus; and if he had been born in Central Africa, he would believe in the Great Juju on the Mountain.

This argument emphasized the influence of geographic accident on religious faith. There was no particular reason to choose the Judeo-Christian God he had been raised to believe in, beyond the accident of birth. Dawkins challenged believers to consider what would happen if they were wrong about their own beliefs instead of assuming the certainty of their faith.

The Superficiality of the Atheist View

Dawkins’ video was viewed by millions and part of the response to his argument came from C.S. Lewis, a former atheist who understood the superficiality of this view. According to Lewis, a Christian does not need to believe that all other religions are wrong from start to finish. In contrast, an atheist must believe that the central point of all the world’s religions is a great error.

Lewis argued that a Christian is free to think that all religions contain at least a hint of truth. In his book “Mere Christianity,” he wrote that when he converted to Christianity, his perspective broadened, allowing him to see the truth in other beliefs.

Faith is Not a Pure Accident

It is important to note that many people’s religious faith is not simply the result of a geographic accident. Countries with Judeo-Christian cultures are not that way by pure accident. Thousands of people dedicated themselves to missionizing, evangelizing, baptizing, preaching, dying as martyrs, building hospitals and schools, exploring wild territories, negotiating with unknown peoples and passing their faith to their children through generations.

All this required immense effort, commitment and will. It was not merely a “pure accident” that shaped these religious cultures.

Faith Beyond Geography

While faith has much to do with demographics, it is not merely geographical. Religions do not belong to territories; they are lived by the people who carry them. In Saudi Arabia, for example, preaching the Gospel was forbidden, but more Christians lived there than ever before, mostly immigrants from the Philippines, India, or other Arab countries.

In Spain, a traditionally Catholic country, one of the most common names for babies was “Mohamed,” reflecting the growth of the Muslim population. Before 1492, there were no people of Judeo-Christian culture in America. Today, 99% of the 953 million people on the American continent belong to this culture, not by accident, but through the efforts of many over centuries.

Atheists Turning Christian

In the United States, data from the Pew Forum in 2008 on religion showed that only 30% of those raised as atheists in their childhood remained so in adulthood. This indicated that atheism was not necessarily a fixed position and many who were raised without religion adopted some form of religious belief later in life.

Where Do These Ex-Atheists Go?

Thirty percent of those who were atheists in childhood became Protestants as they grew up, which is an impressive percentage. One in ten atheist children became Catholic. Two percent converted to Judaism, mostly women who married Jews. Additionally, one percent became Mormon and another one percent became pagan. The rest joined the “nones,” non-religious people who do not declare themselves atheists.

Modern Converts with Open Microphone

A book that addressed this issue is “Modern Converts with Open Microphone” by Jacinto Peraire Ferrer, which collects 350 testimonies of religious conversions. This book is unique because it allows each convert to explain their experience in their own words, classifying the conversions into various categories.

Among the reasons for these conversions are supernatural experiences, dissatisfaction with communism, agnosticism and atheism and the search for transcendence and God. These stories show that there are no “pure accidents”; there are personal stories and providential coincidences that lead people to faith.


Richard Dawkins’ argument that “one belongs to a religion by a geographic accident” generated much debate. While the geographic accident plays a role in religious faith, it is not the only determining factor. History, personal effort and individual experiences also play crucial roles in the formation of religious beliefs.

Ultimately, both believers and non-believers must recognize the complexity of religion and faith. It is not simply a matter of where you were born, but how you live your life, the experiences you have and the decisions you make. Dawkins opened an important dialogue on religion and atheism and it is essential to continue exploring these issues with an open mind and a heart willing to learn.