Mystic Tourism

Documents, articles, and news about Mystic and Esoteric Tourism, ancestral knowledge and natural elements, contact with nature…

The Golden Temple of Amritsar: Beyond Religion

Templo Dorado de Amritsar / Golden Temple of Amritsar

The Golden Temple of Amritsar is not just an architectural masterpiece, but a melting pot of devotion, inclusivity, and humanity. From the sacred pool that reflects its golden majesty to the community dining hall that welcomes all without distinction, this temple is a living testament to how spirituality can and should intertwine with inclusivity.

Mystic Tourism

Nesebar: A Black Sea Historical Gem


Nestled on the Black Sea shores lies Nesebar, a living tableau of history and culture that has shaped this region for millennia. Its churches, ruins, and wooden edifices narrate tales of interchange, resilience, and revival. Every structure and monument in Nesebar speaks to a storied, tumultuous past…

Mystic Tourism

Regaleira Palace: UNESCO World Heritage

Palacio de Regaleira / Regaleira Palace

The Regaleira Palace in Sintra is not merely a mansion; it’s a journey through Carvalho Monteiro’s vision. From tranquil lakes to mystical sculptures, every nook of the palace provides a glimpse into the mind of a visionary enthralled by alchemy, Freemasonry, and Portugal’s legacy.

Mystic Tourism

Ancestral Energy in Pai: A Journey Through Feng Shui

Pai Feng Shui

Nestled in the heart of northern Thailand, Pai is more than just a travel destination; it’s a sanctuary for the soul. Here, Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese philosophy of harmonizing with one’s surroundings, is not just a concept but a living practice. Every stream, mountain, and building in Pai adhere to meticulous balance, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in a transformative experience.

Mystic Tourism
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