Month of Adar

Month of Adar,

Discover the power of Adar the twelfth month of the Jewish calendar. This name has its root in the word “adir” meaning powerful which makes Adar a month full of energy and positivity. In fact, it is considered to be the month of good fortune for the Jewish people, as our sages have said that their mazal is especially strong during this time.

Discover the Power of Adar: Month of Good Fortune of the Jewish People

Celebrate the holiday of Purim with great joy in the month of Adar! This holiday commemorates the incredible transformation of what seemed to be a bad fortune for the Hebrews into something good and glorious.

As the sage said “when Adar comes, we increase our joy” meaning that this is the perfect time to let happiness flood our lives. In fact, Purim marks the point of the maximum joy of the entire Jewish year and is an opportunity to experience bliss beyond any barrier.

The secret of Adar and Purim: The End is Embedded in the Beginning

Seven of the nineteen years of the Jewish calendar cycle are “leap years,” meaning that an additional month of Adar is added. In this additional month of Adar, Purim is celebrated which unites the redemption of Purim with that of Pesach.

In other words, the secret of Adar and Purim is that “the end is inserted in the beginning”. This month reminds us that success and joy are present from the beginning, even when things may seem difficult or uncertain.

The Letter Kuf: The Symbol of Laughter and Frolic

The letter kuf represents the “monkey,” the symbol of laughter and revelry that characterizes this special month. As the saying goes “like a monkey on a man’s face,” this month invites us to embrace joy and fun.

Furthermore, the kuf also symbolizes the mask, a costume that we wear during the Purim holiday. Before the miracle of Purim, Hashem “hid His face” from the children of Israel, meaning that He initially concealed His true identity.

But, through the use of masks and disguises, the inner essence of one can be revealed. During Purim, we reach the level of “unknowable head” meaning that our state of total existential concealment from ourselves and others allows us to “give birth” to a completely new being.

The letter kuf also has another interesting meaning: “the eye of the needle”

Jewish sages teach that even in the wildest dreams, one will never see an elephant pass through the eye of a needle. But during Purim one experiences an even greater wonder: the essence of transcendental divine light enters the finite context of physical reality and is fully revealed within the Jewish soul.

This is what Kabbalah and Chassidut consider to be the true essence of Purim where the mystery of Hashem is revealed in all its glory.

Mazal: Daguim (Pisces – Fish) – Discovering the True Identity of Israel

Fish are mysterious creatures that inhabit the underwater world. Similarly, the souls of Israel are like fish swimming in the depths of the Torah hidden from the view of the outside world. The true identity and fortune of the Jewish people are not evident on this plane of existence.

The revelation of Purim is a manifestation of Israel’s true identity.

This moment of enlightenment is a small taste of what will be the revelation of the world to come where the divine light will shine unobstructed. In fact, it is said that the miracle of Purim is a reflection of the resurrection in the world to come which demonstrates the magnitude of its spiritual significance.

Dag: Deep Meaning of the Hebrew Word for Fish

The Hebrew word for fish, dag has a profound meaning in Jewish culture. It is interpreted as representing the rectification of the emotional state of worry called daag in Hebrew. In fact, in the Bible the word dag is used once to express worry.

In the time of Nehemiah, some non-observant Jews violated the sanctity of Shabbat by selling fish in the Jerusalem marketplace. These “fish” became a source of concern for a livelihood. However, the fish of Purim joy, with the mighty mazal of Adar, has a transformative impact.

Although initially hidden like the fish at the bottom of the sea, the mazal of Adar turns all the troubles of the human heart into the supreme joy of redemption. Like the birth of a new being from the “unknowable head,” the fish of Purim reveals the true potential and happiness that can emerge from seemingly difficult situations.

The Meaning of the Tribe of Naftali in Kabbalah

According to Kabbalistic tradition, the tribe of Naftali is recognized for its significance in representing “sweetness to me. This interpretation is derived from the two-word reading of the name of the tribe.

During the holiday of Purim is customary to aspire to the level of the “unknowing head” through various means, such as drinking wine. This is exemplified by the teaching of the Sages to be so joyful that we cannot distinguish between the “cursed Haman” and the “blessed Mordechai. In the tribe of Naftali, this heightened state of happiness and celebration is called “nofet li”.

In the paternal blessing bestowed upon Naftali by his father Yaakov he is portrayed as a messenger of great eloquence whose words bring joy and laughter to his audience. This trait is further emphasized by Moshe’s blessing to Naftali signifying the fulfillment of his wish as recorded at the end of the Torah.

In the Chassidic interpretation is explained that this fulfilled wish refers to the level of the will of the inner dimension of Keter where all experience is pure happiness and one is in a state where nothing is outside of oneself.

During the holiday of Purim the sages teach that we should reach the level of the “unknowing head” by drinking wine and enjoying the present moment. This is the true expression of joy and laughter a level associated with the tribe of Naftali and its motto “nofet li”, which means “sweetness to me”.

The founders of the Naftali tribe were endowed with the remarkable gift of eloquence, which enabled them to articulate their thoughts with precision and power. Naftali himself was known for his ability to use “eloquent words” that could bring happiness and joy to all who had the pleasure of hearing them.

In the world of the Kabbalah however, not everything is sweet. Haman, the villain of the Purim story, also has a hidden meaning behind his name.

The three letters that make up his name have six permutations, and when multiplied by the numerical value of Haman, the result is the number 570, which is the same numerical value as Naftali. Curious, right?

Finally, we should mention the connection between the tribes of Ephraim and Menasheh, the sons of Joseph and Naftali. These tribes correspond to the months of Tishrei and Cheshvan, which correspond to Adar and Naftali the year-end of Nissan. This connection is reflected in the fact that when Ephraim, Menashe and Naftali are combined, the result is a fascinating number: 1296 which is equal to 6 raised to the fourth power.

Member: Spleen ( Tejol ) – The Black Humor of the Spleen and its Paradox: The Wisdom of Permutation

The organ of the spleen (Tejol) surprises us with its ability to laugh, which may seem like a contradiction due to the fact that it is attributed with “black humor” the source of depression and despair.

But, as we have mentioned above, all phenomena related to Adar and Purim are paradoxes deriving from the “unknowable head”. They represent states of existential transformation and metamorphosis.

Wisdom of permutation, which we have already mentioned is the tool used by the Torah to model these phenomena. Regarding “black humor” or maráh shechoráh, its letters can be permuted to form “hirur sameach”, i.e. “a happy thought”. A really funny joke!

Celebrate Adar: Discover the Most Significant Dates of the Month!

The month of Adar is full of significant dates in the Jewish calendar, each one loaded with meaning and symbolism. Here are some of the highlights:

  • 30 Shevat: First day of Rosh Chodesh Adar marks the beginning of the month of Adar, a time of joy and celebration.
  • 1 Adar: Second day of Rosh Chodesh Adar is a time to focus on the joy and happiness that this month brings.
  • 7 Adar: This date marks the birth and yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu one of the most important leaders in Jewish history and a role model for many.
  • 13 Adar: The Fast of Esther is a day to remember the dangers faced by Jews in ancient Persia and the importance of unity and solidarity in difficult times.
  • 14 Adar: Purim is one of the most joyous days in the Jewish calendar a time to celebrate the victory of the Jewish people over their oppressors and to enjoy the traditions and customs that make this holiday so unique and special.
  • Adar 14 (Shushan Purim): In some cities Purim is celebrated one day later to commemorate the victory of the Jews in the city of Shushan.
  • Adar 21: This day commemorates the yahrzeit of Reb Elimelech of Lizhensk a spiritual leader and scholar who had a significant impact on the history of Judaism.