Sulfur ointment

Sulfur ointment,

Sulfur, one of the most widespread minerals on earth, is crucial for humans to have in our bodies in the form of hormones or tissues.

Benefits of sulfur cream and its main uses

Because of its antibacterial qualities, sulfur cream, which can be made at home, is used to treat various skin diseases. It is sold commercially in the form of an ointment.

  • By eliminating many of the toxins that the skin accumulates, it cleanses the dermis.
  • It helps produce keratin and collagen, which gives the skin suppleness and firmness.
  • It prevents the accumulation of oil on the skin and reduces acne due to its antibacterial activity.
  • It is a natural treatment for eczema and various skin problems.
  • It has anti fungicides, which are used to fight fungi.

Cream for the treatment of spots with sulfur

The application of a cream with sulfur can help reduce the appearance of spots. They are caused by various factors, such as hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy, aging and sun exposure.

Depending on the situation, the exfoliating and depigmenting effects of sulfur make the spots less noticeable until they eventually disappear.

The sulfur ointment should be applied once or twice a day, preferably at night, as the skin should not be exposed to sunlight while receiving the treatment.

Sulfur cream for fungi

Bacteria, yeasts, or even dermatophytes can take up residence in the body and enter areas of dead keratin or the skin lining to create diseases known as fungus.

Maintaining proper hygiene is the best way to keep them away. However, since fungi continue to form, some people have very delicate and sensitive skin that requires extra care.

Since it keeps the affected area dry and prevents the growth of fungus-causing germs, sulfur ointment is useful in cases of fungus. This mineral is a very effective natural fungicide.

Apply the mixture to the fungus many times a day. You can buy a cream or make your own at home by combining one teaspoon of sulfur powder with two teaspoons of petroleum jelly.

If the fungus is on your feet, you can massage them with a mixture of sulfur ointment and some antifungal cream or iodine before washing them with warm water.

Sulfur-based acne cream

On a cosmetic level, the appearance of acne, blackheads, or pimples for various reasons is a very unpleasant and irritating condition.

Because of its cleansing and disinfecting capacity, sulfur ends up being one of the most used natural medicines in these situations. Its use helps exfoliate and eliminate all kinds of dead cells.

Due to its antimicrobial properties, sulfur cream gradually cleanses the skin. The cream or ointment can be purchased at any drugstore, or you can make it yourself and use it once or twice a day until improvement is observed.

Reduce its use if you notice a lot of flaking or redness because the acne has already dried up and the skin is about to renew itself.

Sulfur cream for the treatment of human scabies (scabies)

One of the most frequent pathologies treated with sulfur cream is human scabies, also known as scabies, which is caused by the Sarcoptes scabies mite.

Since it is usually contagious, each person should use his or her clothing and cleaning items, in addition to practicing proper hygiene.

Sulfur has been used for many years as an ointment to treat scabies and in earlier times it was administered in the form of masks or baths to treat the whole body. Apply sulfur ointment to the skin after bathing while wearing airy, breathable, loose-fitting clothing.

How to apply sulfur cream

The ointment can be used frequently or daily because it already contains petroleum jelly and other components, which reduces the amount of sulfur in the product. To avoid irritability or allergies, it is best to avoid overdoing it or overexposure to the sun.

  • It should never be used on the eyelids or around the eyes to treat acne. Apply at night on clean skin.
  • Apply morning and evening if you have blemishes. After a good face wash, use high-quality sunscreen.
  • You can apply it once or twice a day until the fungus disappears for fungus on the face and other parts of the body.

How to make a homemade sulfur ointment

  • 2 tablespoons of sulfur powder
  • One hundred grams of solid petroleum jelly

In a double boiler, melt the petroleum jelly until it dissolves. Once it does, add the sulfur and stir until it begins to cool. It will keep quite well if stored at room temperature in a tightly closed plastic jar.

Possible adverse effects

Although sulfur proves to be a very effective treatment for many people with acne, fungus and even seborrhea, it may be slightly irritating to certain people with sensitive skin.

Do not self-medicate if you notice any changes, such as allergies, weakness, dizziness, swelling of the throat or tongue, or difficulty breathing. Instead, call your doctor immediately.

As a result of the contact reaction and the disappearance of some bacteria, you may experience some minor cases of itching at the beginning of use. But if the situation does not improve after a few hours, discontinue use and see a dermatologist.

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