The Chinese cities with the best Feng-Shui

The Chinese cities with the best Feng-Shui,

Feng-shui, a traditional Chinese philosophy that focuses on harmonizing the environment, is considered the heart and soul of the country’s classical architecture. This practice is linked to the rise and fall of cities and has an influence on health, prosperity and power.

Chinese cities with the best feng-shui: what makes them so attractive to live in?

Good Feng-shui in a city no matter how small is considered capable of generating talent generation after generation. We present a brief review of Chinese cities that stand out for having favorable Feng-shui and their success as a result.

What gives you a city with good Feng-shui?

When it comes to cities, good Feng-shui translates into the presence of protective mountains, scenic views of navigable bodies of water and fertile plains.

These same elements are essential for military security, prosperity and agricultural abundance. Therefore, it is not surprising that places with these characteristics have prospered regardless of whether or not one believes in Feng-shui.


In the perspective of Feng-shui, Beijing has always been considered an ideal choice for the nation’s capital.

The Chinese cities with the best Feng-Shui,

Located in the northwest corner of the North China Plain, it is surrounded by mountains to the west and north, while its orientation towards the Bohai Sea to the southeast completes the picture.

The concentric layout and north-south axis of the old imperial era are still preserved in Beijing, with the Forbidden City at the center. In the past, the city had large areas of single-family homes and low-rise buildings, which further enhanced the capital’s Feng Shui.

Tekes, Yili, Xinjiang

Features a unique road layout that resembles the ancient Chinese bagua diagram, characterized by a concentric octagon and a central tower from which streets branch off in eight directions.

The Chinese cities with the best Feng-Shui,

This distinctive design divides the city into sectors that reflect the principles of feng-shui, a Chinese technique that seeks to harmonize the energy of the environment with the well-being of people.

The uniqueness of its layout not only makes it one of China’s most visually appealing cities but also contributes to its status as one of the country’s best places to live.

Intelligent road layouts allow for efficient mobility without the need for traffic lights, thus avoiding annoying traffic jams. It is a popular tourist destination thanks to its welcoming climate, rich history and culture, and wonderful natural scenery.

The city is located in the Tianshan Mountains, known as the Heavenly Mountains and boasts spectacular waterfalls, sprawling meadows, lush forests, deep valleys and crystal clear lakes, attracting visitors from all over the world.

Tekes is also the largest trigram city in the world, making it an important historical landmark in the study of Feng-Shui.

The strategic location is privileged, bounded to the north by rugged mountains, to the south by a river flowing from west to east, followed by fertile fields and more mountains to the south, and its valley facing east to a dammed lake, making it a place with excellent feng-shui.


Located on the north shore of Dian Lake, it is a city with a privileged location surrounded by mountains to the north, west and east, which is considered an advantage for Feng-Shui.

The Chinese cities with the best Feng-Shui,

The city enjoys a subtropical climate that provides pleasant temperatures throughout the year. In winter it is never too cold and in summer it is not too hot, making it a comfortable place to live.

Notable for its beautiful flowers that bloom throughout the year, which has earned it the nickname “city of spring”. This city is a popular tourist destination for travelers looking to enjoy the pleasant climate and natural beauty, which includes the surrounding mountainous region and Dian Lake.

Kunming is ultimately the ideal place to live and travel thanks to its pleasant climate, natural beauty and welcoming atmosphere. The city has become a popular destination for both domestic and international tourists seeking to enjoy the nature and culture of the area.


Xi’an is the oldest capital of China and is considered a historical site of great importance. It was the capital of 13 dynasties and is known for its excellent Feng-Shui.

The Chinese cities with the best Feng-Shui,

Situated in the Guangzhong Plain it is surrounded by mountains to the east and south, while to the north flows the Wei River. Located in the last large fertile valley on the western boundary of the North China Plain, it has a pleasant climate with timely winds and rainfall.

The city is popularly known as the “Kingdom of Heaven” due to its geographical location and the favorable climate it offers.

An important cultural and tourist center of China, this city has numerous historical sites and tourist attractions including the famous Terracotta Army, the Drum Tower, the Great Wild Goose Pagoda, and the ancient city wall, among others.

This is a breathtaking place that offers a rich history, vibrant culture and exceptional feng-shui. The city is a national treasure that attracts travelers from all over the world to explore and experience the beauty and grandeur of ancient China…