Dr. José Gregorio Hernández: A Blessing Remembered

Dr. José Gregorio Hernández: A Blessing Remembered, InfoMistico.com

June 19 holds a special place in Venezuelan history as the day the beloved Dr. José Gregorio Hernández was beatified by Pope Francis. A doctor, scientist, and now a Blessed, his legacy permeates the devotion of the Venezuelan people who see him as a symbol of their aspirations and struggles.

Papal Beatification Granted to Venerable Dr. José Gregorio Hernández

Pope Francis, in an official Vatican statement dated June 19, bestowed the honor of beatification upon the esteemed Venezuelan physician, Dr. José Gregorio Hernández. Cardinal Baltazar Porras praised this solemn act, urging the Venezuelan populace to participate in a prayer vigil and a Mass of Thanksgiving from the confines of their homes.

A Long-Awaited Celebration: Dr. José Gregorio Hernández’s Beatification After 71 Years

Over seven decades of dedication and veneration have elevated Dr. José Gregorio Hernández to the esteemed rank of the blessed within the Catholic Church. The afternoon of Friday, June 19, brought uplifting news for Venezuelans: the distinguished doctor from Trujillo was officially declared “Blessed” by Pope Francis in a pronouncement delivered straight from the Vatican.

Pope Francis confirmed Dr. Hernández’s beatification following the endorsement by the Council of Cardinals and Bishops of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints of a miracle ascribed to him. This miracle was in favor of young Yaxury Solorzano, a resident of Mangas Coveras in Guarico State.

In 2017, when she was 10 years old, Solorzano suffered a gunshot wound to the head causing extensive brain damage, loss of brain tissue, and bone, thereby severely limiting her chances of recovery according to medical prognoses. However, in an unexplained turn of events, she made a complete recovery within 20 days, after her mother prayed to Dr. Hernández for healing.

The Journey to Dr. José Gregorio Hernández’s Beatification

The alleged miracle by Dr. Hernández was subjected to two levels of investigation before the Pope’s proclamation. It was validated by the medical commission of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints on January 9, 2020, and subsequently, on April 27, the theological commission of the same institution unanimously endorsed it.

The case was submitted to the Vatican on January 18, 2019, by the postulation office of the Venezuelan Catholic Church, tasked with overseeing the cause for the beatification of the renowned physician from Isnotú.

Cardinal Baltazar Porras, the Apostolic Administrator of Caracas and Metropolitan Archbishop of Mérida celebrated Dr. José Gregorio Hernández’s sanctification, noting it as a tribute to the devotion demonstrated by millions of Venezuelans since his death nearly 101 years ago.

The Glorification of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández Among the Saints of the Catholic Church

“Today, we rejoice as the Catholic Church has glorified Dr. José Gregorio Hernández, a figure dear to us all, embodying the finest aspects of our Venezuelan identity: diligence, self-improvement, scientific achievement, solidarity, progress in every respect, and as a beacon guiding us toward peace and the creation of a fraternal Venezuela,” the Cardinal expressed.

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