Health and Wellness

Embark on a journey towards inner balance with our holistic approach to spiritual health and wellness. Discover the harmony between body, mind, and spirit, and engage in a path of self-discovery and serenity. Nourish your soul and strengthen your inner connection.

Iridology: Interpreting Health and Personality Through the Eyes

Iridology: the art of reading your eyes / La Iridología: el arte de leer tus ojos

In the art of Iridology, that is exactly what happens. This ancient science, which dates back to the time of the Egyptians, goes beyond the superficial to read the signals that our eyes send us. Whether we are dealing with a health problem or simply want to know more about our personality, Iridology offers us a fascinating and unique perspective

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Bananas: A Powerhouse of Potassium, Energy and Happiness


Imagine a fruit that, in addition to being delicious, could help you maintain iron health, give you an energy boost and even help you overcome a hangover. You don’t have to imagine anymore, that fruit exists and it’s the banana. From the high-performance athlete to the pregnant woman, everyone can benefit from its golden power.

Bananas: A Powerhouse of Potassium, Energy and Happiness Read More »

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