Catholic Church

The Catholic Church, with over two millennia of history, is an institution that has deeply influenced the shaping of Western civilization. With its rituals and sacraments, it stands as a pillar of faith and spirituality for millions. From the Holy See in Vatican City to local parishes, its hierarchical structure and rich theological tradition provide a sense of community and purpose. A beacon of ethical and moral values that continues to be relevant in today’s world.

Marian Revelations: The Case of the Mystical Rose

Rosa Mística / Rosa Mystica

The apparitions of the Mystical Rose in Montichiari, with their aura of mystery and profound spiritual message, have captured the world’s attention. This particular representation of the Virgin Mary has inspired strong devotion, even though it is not officially recognized by the Catholic Church. Discover the story of these apparitions, the role of the visionary Pierina Gilli, and the messages attributed to the Mystical Rose.

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