Reflections and Thoughts

Writings and stories of real life, anecdotes, curiosities, life circumstances, reflections on friendship, love, family, faith, hope, wisdom…

I need to get out of the world of unhappiness

mundo de la infelicidad / world of unhappiness

In the midst of the world of unhappiness, words become my compass and beacon. They guide me in the dark, they allow me to understand my pain and to envision a future where hope is possible. Although it seems like a prison, this world is actually a school where I learn about resilience and the capacity to love and laugh despite the circumstances. You are not alone on this journey, together we will find the way to happiness.

I need to get out of the world of unhappiness Read More »

The Hidden Power of Your Beliefs and How They Transform Your Life

Creencia / Belief

Learn how the quantum mechanics of the material universe we inhabit can help us create the life we desire. A belief is a thought or set of thoughts that represents pure energy and interacts with the elementary particles of matter to shape and group them into whatever we are creating, regardless of what it is.

The Hidden Power of Your Beliefs and How They Transform Your Life Read More »

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