Horoscopes Month Scorpio

Horoscopes Month Scorpio, InfoMistico.com

Sign Taurus

Scorpio is the sign facing you on the zodiac wheel, so this season will always hold a particular place in your heart.

This year, you may have experienced tremendous feelings as you dealt with eclipses and the energies of Uranus in your sign. This year, no doubt, you received many cosmic energies and were a celestial favorite.

Numerous changes, upheavals, or upheavals in your life and it makes sense that this manifested there as well. Perhaps, as the year draws to a close, you are beginning to consider where you want to go or what matters most to you moving forward.

At the beginning of the Scorpio season, your ruling planet, Venus, will be very close to the Sun, encouraging you to open your heart and consider what is most important. It may be necessary for you to take a seat and consider your ideals and how you can best serve them.

Venus is currently very close to the Sun, so it is an excellent time to book a spa day or simply emphasize self-care.

You can use this Venus energy to open your heart and feel more compassion if relationship issues have been in your thoughts. On October 25, we will experience a New Moon Solar Eclipse as we enter the Scorpio station.

Speaking of relationships, this eclipse may bring to light a specific one in your life, allowing you to evaluate whether you are on the right path or if adjustments are needed. You may find that your heart may open wider and deeper and you may simply feel a stronger sense of love.

Alternatively, if you decide to break things off, this deeper love could arise from within you and serve as motivation. On November 8, the Blood Moon Eclipse occurs directly in your sign. Be very patient with yourself because this energy is quite strong.

Blood Moon eclipses have the power to turn endings upside down and reveal shocking or even unexpected information. It will be crucial to watch your health and pay attention to your physical body when the Eclipse occurs in your sign. Don’t miss anything because, in general, you are very in touch with your body.

Because Mars is retrograde at this time, it will be even more important to avoid rushing so that you can prevent unintentional mishaps. You will feel better and more uplifted at the end of the season, once the eclipse haze has dissipated.

Whenever an eclipse occurs in your sign, it is a sign that your life is improving and that you are moving into a new stage in the maturation of your soul. Even if there are still a few eclipses left in this series, start to feel something within you awakening.

Feel the strength of your spirit grow as you are filled with gratitude for what you have overcome.

Sign Gemini

Mars, the planet that rules our motivation, energy and activities, is retrograde in your sign during this Scorpio season.

You will experience Mars retrograde in Gemini quite intensely, that’s for sure! Mars takes approximately two years to go around the zodiac, which makes this energy rare and special.

Also, Mars will be in your sign until March 2023, so you should get used to this intensity. You will experience a little more inward movement as Mars goes retrograde. You may not feel as social as usual, or you may feel the desire to withdraw and take some time to unwind.

Moon’s retrograde motion is a potent period to reflect on the motivations behind our behavior.

Why do we act the way we do, are we simply acting automatically, repeating the same behaviors, or are we evolving?

Retrograde Mars allows us to identify areas where our behavior may be motivated by fear and shows us how to change these areas.

If we have been burning the candle at both ends, Mars retrograde can provide the ultimate shock, forcing us to rest and recover. Mars retrograde in your sign can also make you feel a bit foggy mentally, so if you experience this, slow down and perhaps reevaluate how you are choosing to spend your time.

Two eclipses and retrograde Mars are part of the Scorpio season. A new moon solar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio is the first. This eclipse, which has its apex on October 25, brings the energy of new beginnings.

Choose to start a new project or work with a new client, which could be very advantageous for you!

Just be careful not to take on more than you can handle. It’s best to keep things simple, especially with all this excitement. Organizing your time, so you can prioritize your health, may also be an issue under this New Moon Eclipse.

A Blood Moon Eclipse will occur on November 8, the second in this series and the last for 2022. This Eclipse is very intense, it may reveal a hidden truth or rekindle memories you were unaware of. Learn something that makes you stop doing something or change the way you act.

Since these eclipses are linked to those we experienced in April and May this year, issues from that period could resurface for a final cleansing or resolution.

Sign Cancer

Since Scorpio is a fellow water sign, you’ll always have a strong connection to this time of year. Venus is on the prowl as the Sun enters the sign of Scorpio, bringing a wave of positive and encouraging energy. Be receptive to this magnificent Venusian energy; you are in a perfect position to receive it!

You should allow this energy to widen your heart, add more beauty to your life and inspire you to be more imaginative. Your connections will thrive and deepen under this energy because Venus is the planet associated with relationships.

Be careful to schedule time for self-care and self-nurturing during this energy because our relationship with ourselves is, of course, the most sacred one we have.

Although Venus is sending us these lovely vibes, the Scorpio season also brings eclipses and Mars retrograde, both of which could present some difficulties.

The first event is an eclipse on October 25. This new moon solar eclipse, which occurs in the sign of Scorpio, has the potential to bring up this year’s difficulties between April and May.

You’ll probably find yourself coming back to it under this eclipse to tie up loose ends or end something if a significant event or change in your life occurred during those months.

Solar eclipses often mark the beginning of new beginnings or a new chapter, but before you can fully understand what the new implies, the old must end.

Whatever happens, get into the place of the deepest and most compassionate heart because it seems that the theme of this solar eclipse for you is an expansion of the heart.

After this eclipse, on October 30, Mars will go retrograde. Reevaluating our goals and behaviors is important during Mars retrograde.

Good time to reflect on our true motivations and areas where fear may be impeding them. Under the influence of this Mars retrograde, buried concerns could arise that force you to face them.

One such complex emotion is fear. We need fear to protect us and typically, despite our best efforts, we are unable to let go of fear completely in the face of certain things.

The best and most effective method of dealing with fear is to feel it from time to time but to take action. Mars is the planetary symbol of conquering our worries.

There is a beautiful illustration of Mars, the God of War, riding a chariot drawn by two horses, Phobos (fear) and Deimos (panic/terror), respectively.

Mars has two choices: either he allows his fear to control him and determine the direction in which the chariot will travel, or he can use his anxieties as fuel to achieve his goals and get where he wants to go.

Retrograde Mars can make us reflect on our individual choices throughout the Scorpio season. The Blood Moon Eclipse, which peaks on November 8 in the sign of Taurus, is the last significant cosmic event of the Scorpio Season.

This Blood Moon has a very potent intensity and could mark a turning or ending point in your life.

Being so sensitive to the Moon, you will experience the intensity of eclipses, but remember that, of all the signs, you are receiving the most protective energy at this time. Whatever happens, rest assured that you will come out of it more energized, more awake and more connected to your heart.

Sign Leo

Two eclipses and retrograde Mars are part of the Scorpio season and although these cosmic events all have varying degrees of severity, I want you to focus on Venus and the Sun.

You are in the best position in the zodiac to feel the effects of anything involving the Sun because it is your cosmic ruler.

Venus and the Sun align on October 22, but we will have the first two weeks of the Scorpio Season to work with its energy. Venus and the Sun form a harmonizing vibration when in harmony, which can inspire feelings of beauty, love and creativity in human beings.

We will experience greater sensitivity in our hearts, allowing us to navigate the world with more empathy, generosity and joy. Increase love and joy in your life by utilizing the energy of Venus and the Sun.

Make it a priority to accomplish the things you want to accomplish while feeling happier. Consider what makes you happy.

Your efforts will be amplified and strengthened, which will contribute to the development of your heart. Find methods to express your gratitude for all the different ways love enters your life. During the Scorpio season, Mars, the planet of action and energy, will also be retrograde.

We will have to get used to this intensity because it starts on October 30 and lasts until the new year. Mars is in charge of our drive, aspirations and energy. It also controls our capacity for action and judgment. All of these areas could be subject to evaluation at some point in our lives.

Consider what motivates us and where the true roots of our ambition lie. Do we act out of fear or from a place of expansion? Do our actions come from our ego or our heart?

This is a great opportunity to match your actions and goals more with your heart than your ego because you are a very heart-driven sign. It will be crucial to move deliberately and not rush because Mars retrograde can damage your energy levels.

Under a Mars retrograde, the adage “haste makes waste” is doubly accurate. The two eclipses that occur during the Scorpio season bring powerful forces of transformation.

By far the gentler of the two eclipses, a Solar New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio, can present a new opportunity or unlock a door that has previously been closed.

Using the help of this New Moon Eclipse, you could sow new seeds that, when the time comes, will grow into something huge and magnificent. Your home and family environment may be highlighted by this solar eclipse, which could lead to a move or other changes within the home.

Because eclipses usually occur in pairs, the next in this sequence will be a Blood Moon Eclipse, which will peak on November 8.

Although there are some very intense waves associated with this eclipse, your career may experience a surprising development. You could be presented with a new opportunity that could be profitable.

On the other hand, you could discover that a major endeavor is about to end or must suddenly cease for some reason. Whatever comes, keep in mind that eclipses always place us where we need to be.

How this energy arises will depend on you and where you are in life, as acceleration gates that help us move forward to the next stage or book of our life.

Being so far ahead in our timeline can be unsettling at first, but as time goes on, we often look back and realize that we were exactly where we needed to be.

Sign Virgo

By now, you must be experiencing the impact of the most dramatic cosmic events of the year, occurring during the Scorpio season.

If this affects you, be sure to schedule time for relaxation, self-care and slowing down. This holiday season, be kind to yourself and avoid piling too much on your plate.

Setting strict boundaries and prioritizing your demands will be beneficial. Although the Scorpio season brings many difficult experiences, it also offers some wonderful ones. This is represented by Venus’ conjunction with the Sun, which reaches its apex on October 22.

Venus’ star point is an energy that helps develop the imagination, expand the heart and strengthen relationships with the people you care about. Venus also rules our values, so now is a good time to reevaluate your priorities and devote time to the things that matter to you.

The soul mate of Venus, Mars is also quite active during the Scorpio season, as it enters retrograde on October 30. Mars retrogrades the least of all the planets, so its energy is one we experience often.

It can force us to face our worries, reevaluate how we are using our energy and figure out what motivates us, but also drain our vitality and cause us to stop and think things through.

Mars retrograde is not usually considered a good time to start new endeavors or initiatives.

There is almost a strong “Mercury retrograde” feeling at this time because Mars is retrograding in Gemini. On October 25, there will be a Solar New Moon Eclipse in Scorpio. With this eclipse, new possibilities and new beginnings are created.

Although it is commonly accepted that New Moons are a powerful time for manifestation work, it is not necessary to put in much effort during an eclipse.

Because of their strength, eclipses frequently place us exactly where we need to be, without the need for a wish list. Eclipses can be difficult at times because where we need to be may not be where we want to be, but this Scorpio New Moon Eclipse seems to be on the kinder side.

November 8, in the sign of Taurus, a blood moon eclipse will be the second eclipse of the season. This eclipse has an aura of stronger intensity and is a little less gentle.

Under this energy, you will feel the need to retreat, rest and recuperate. Blood Moon eclipses have the power to shock us and evoke strong feelings.

Chances are we will detect recurring motifs or even more as the story unfolds, as these two eclipses are interacting with the ones we had in April and May this year.

Blood Moon Eclipses are often associated with endings and this Eclipse may make those endings feel more sudden. Remember that everything that disappears simply makes room for something that is more in line with your soul’s path.

Feel a little lighter and even refreshed as the season draws to a close, to begin to realize that we are exactly where we need to be now that the energy of the Eclipse is behind us…

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